Funtastic Day
Funtastic Day takes place in the fall, with activities are arranged by the school’s Physical Education team. The PTA provides lunch for students from Monmouth Regional High School who assist in running the different activities and ice pops for students.
Book Fairs
SRS holds week-long book fairs in the fall and in the spring, and students enjoy shopping for new books with either a family member or a parent volunteer. During each book fair day, PTA volunteers help students purchase items and keep the materials organized. Family Night is held one evening during each book fair.
School Store
Once a month, the PTA sets up a School Store outside the SRS cafeteria during lunch periods, selling school supplies such as pens, pencils, folders and more. Two PTA volunteers assist in selling the school-related items and help set up and clean up the display table.
Display My Art
Through this program, students create original artwork that can be applied to various products for purchase, from stickers to hot plates. PTA volunteers help organize orders and distribute the purchased items.
100 Days of School Food Drive
As the 100th day of school approaches, each class is encouraged to collect 100 non-perishable items to donate to the local Food Bank on the 100th day of School.
Holiday Shop
Held in early December, the Holiday Shop is always a hit with students, allowing them to purchase gifts for family and friends. PTA volunteers help students select items they wish to purchase. The Holiday Shop lasts for one week and takes place during the morning hours.
Teacher Appreciation Week
During the first week of May, students and parents take time to recognize the efforts of the teachers in our schools. At SRS, the PTA hosts a teacher luncheon, at which PTA volunteers help set up food and tables and return to clean up.
Fifth Grade Party
Held in June, this celebration is the last big event for fifth graders at SRS. Music and refreshments are provided. PTA volunteers help set up, serve refreshments and clean up.